1 min read

JTDX / WSJT-X on a Single Logbook

Inspired to investigate JTDX as an alternative to WSJT-X during the Bouvet Island DXpedition, I noticed that the log file (adi) in JTDX was setup exactly the same as the log for WSJT-X.  That’s great news, because it means we can create a hardlink between the two log files, essentially making it so that any contacts made in either JTDX or WSJT-X will add to the same running FT8 log,and it means that no adjustments are necessary for LOG4OM to incorporate JTDX autologging!  I won't be abandoning WSJT-X for JTDX, especially since it doesn't cover as many digital modes as WSJT-X, so this is a perfect way to bounce back and forth and still track stations already worked and highlight missing countries or grid squares.  These instructions assume you already have WSJT-X on your machine and are intended for windows operators:

Step 1:  Install JTDX from Sourceforge

I installed the 64bit Windows version with 32 bit audio, it seems to work well for me though the 16 bit audio is the recommended stable edition.

Step 2:  Delete JTDXLog File

Type “cmd.exe” in the Windows search bar. Hold down Ctrl + Shift while you press Enter. This will launch the command line interface with the administrative privileges needed to make the hardlink.

Navigate to JTDX directory:

cd C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\JTDX 

Delete the local log file:

del wsjtx_log.adi 
mklink /H C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\JTDX\wsjtx_log.adi C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\WSJT-X\wsjtx_log.adi 

If you’ve successfully created the hardlink, you should see the following: 

Hardlink created for C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\JTDX\wsjtx_log.adi <<===>> C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\WSJT-X\wsjtx_log.adi 

All that’s left is to run JTDX and get yourself some QSOs!
